half marathon

2017 Canada Army Run

2017 Canada Army Run

As I took off the start line with 6,700 other runners, I reminded myself of my race plan. “Take it easy” I cautioned myself. “Stick to your pace.” This race, unlike most others I’ve run, was not about going as fast as possible. It was not about getting a personal best. This race was a dress rehearsal. A dress rehearsal for the Chicago Marathon, which was a mere three weeks away. The goal today was to try everything out - nutrition, fuelling, hydration, clothing, pacing, drafting, kicking - everything that I would need come marathon day on October 8th. From a time perspective, my stated goal before the race was to run a 1:28:something. I wanted to cross that finish line in about the same time I’d plan on finishing the first half of Chicago.

Countdown to Chicago

Countdown to Chicago

After an epic 36km long run last Friday, I was making the long drive to Niagara-on-the-Lake for my sister-in-law’s wedding when it hit me. Chicago was only one month away. It’s been this distant goal for so long now, yet all of a sudden it was around the corner. As I cruised down highway 403 I thought about how far I had come - from not being able to run at all 6 months ago, to now feeling fitter, stronger and faster than ever. Training has been going well - really well. Here’s what I’ve been up to and where I’m at.

Vancouver Rock N' Roll Half Marathon

Vancouver Rock N' Roll Half  Marathon

2016 has been a year of ups and downs for me running wise. I finally conquered the Boston Marathon in April, although it nearly killed me. I ran a couple of awesome trail races on Vancouver Island and in Gatineau Park respectively. I struggled in the heat to a decent finish at the Canada Army Run Half Marathon in September. While I had achieved some good results and checked a few things off my bucket list, I was left with a bit of an empty feeling. A few years back, almost every race was a personal best. It's kind of just how it goes when you start to really get into running. With every race you learn so much, and apply those learnings to training for a next one. You are always getting faster and stronger, and continue to PB...until you eventually hit that wall.